Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Agreement between user and globtrav-usa.com

By participating in globtrav-usa.com, you are accepting and consenting to all of the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement without alteration. Your use of this event constitutes your agreement to comply with all of the conditions stated in this document.


We facilitate the linking of travelers to a variety of travel services from different providers. We do not take responsibility for or own these services and products, nor do we have control over them. Any terms and conditions pertaining to these services are solely determined by the external providers.

No Unlawful or Prohibited Use

By using this website, you are consenting to not engage in any illegal activities or behavior that goes against the established policies.

Intellectual Property

Copying, publishing, or sharing any material from our website without our explicit consent is strictly prohibited. This includes text, graphics, logos, images, and software. We own the rights to all elements on the site, along with our content suppliers, and they are safeguarded by relevant copyright laws.

Payment and Cancellation Policy

It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the payment policies and guidelines established by the third-party supplier, including deposit fees, payment deadlines, and cancellation procedures, before making a reservation for a travel service or product.

Data Privacy

We value the privacy of our users and adhere to all relevant laws concerning data security. Your personal information is obtained, used, and handled according to our Privacy Policy. By using this site, you give your consent to the collection and utilization of your data as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

Modifications and Interruptions

Our website has the authority to modify or discontinue any aspect of our service at any time, with or without notice. We are not responsible for any consequences resulting from changes, interruptions, or termination of our service to you or any third-party.

Limitation of Liability

We will not be responsible for any secondary, punitive, unintentional, extraordinary, or additional consequences resulting from or related to your use, display, or access of this website, or any delay or inability to use, display, or access the website.

Changes to these Terms & Conditions

It is within our power to modify these Terms & Conditions at any given time. By continuing to use the website after any revisions have been implemented, you signify your acceptance of the updated Terms & Conditions.